February 25, 4pm

The Spokane Chiefs present the 2023 WinterBrewBash this Saturday, combining fun winter sips with a favorite local winter sport. A long list of breweries will gather at the Spokane Arena, pouring winter brews before the Spokane Chiefs play rival Tri-City Americans. The BrewBash kicks off at 4pm, with plenty of time to enjoy sips from breweries like No-Li, Elysian Brewing, River City Brewing, 10 Barrel Brewing Company, and more, before the game kicks off at 7:05pm.
All BrewBash guests will receive a commemorative stein and five (2-ounce) pour tokens. Ticket options include $25 for admission to both the BrewBash and Chiefs game or $13 for those who already have a game ticket. SpokaneChiefs.com/WinterBrewBash