Coeur d’Alene’s classic car weekend returns this weekend! Saturday and Sunday, the Downtown Coeur d’Alene Association offers a free opportunity to “jump back in time” with the entire family. The classic car cruise kicks off the weekend fun Friday evening from 6 to 9pm, followed by the car show all day Saturday, which concludes with awards distribution on Fifth and Sherman. Highlights include the Young Builders Alley, showcasing builders 25 years old and younger sharing their automotive-related projects, and Special Interest Lane, a new event this year featuring specialized high-performance vehicles from 1981 and after!
Welcome back Car d’Lane to North Idaho, with additional events including the Red Hot Mamas Parade kicking off the Friday evening cruise and a Pinup Contest highlighting classic vintage cars!
Event: Friday, June 18 & Saturday, June 19
Visit to learn more.